The RVM Pedagogy is a way in which teachers journey with the learners towards their integral development and growth as productive citizens through interactive learning processes that lead to the realization of learning goals, unfolding of learning standards, and eventual demonstration of learning outcomes.
The theory of constructivism is applied considering:
Learners are encouraged to engage in purposeful, critical, and reflective inquiries to give deeper meaning and significance to long-lasting ideas presented and to make meaningful, creative, and functional connections and application of their knowledge and skills in varied real-life situations including the shaping of their values system and enriching their faith-life experiences.
Moreover, teachers are required to have a clear focal point in their sustained, and thought-provoking interaction with students through the utilization of connecting, exploring, and leading inquiries to develop students’ critical, logical, creative, investigative, analytical, and reflective thinking. This interaction also gives learners more opportunities to uncover and discover deeper the concepts presented thereby allowing them to gain more meaningful insights and connections that enable them to demonstrate successfully the desired learning outcomes.
These purposeful, reflective, and critical inquiries are intended to essentially include the four-pronged integration of:
Likewise, these integrations clearly reflect the transformative process because within the lesson proper FAITH AND LIFE DIALOGUE is experienced.