Christ the King College



General Objective

The Guidance Program aimed at helping the students become aware of themselves and their potentials so that they may become mature individuals conscious of their responsibilities in the society where they belong.  It is geared towards the total development of students’ persona-social, academic and career well-being.

The program seeks to focus on the holistic growth of each student through the guidance services within an atmosphere of mutual trust and care.


  1. ORIENTATION – is a series of activities aimed at helping the students adjust to the school environment and be acquainted with the school policies and opportunities of study and thus acquire a feeling of belongingness and security.
  2. COUNSELING – is the heart of the Guidance Program. It is the process whereby the counselor helps students become aware of their assets and potentials and thus help them develop their talents to the maximum.  It is also geared at helping students perceive, clarity and face adjustments and social relationship problems.
  3. TESTING – Tests are administered to obtain a measure of ability, achievement and/or other characteristics that will offer a solid basis on which students can make decisions involving predictions on how well an individual will do at a later time. 
  4. CAREER AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE –  is aimed at helping the students in their choice of career vocations in life.  
  5. INDIVIDUAL INVENTORY – is the organization and administration of record of each student to provide data for the counselor regarding the needs and problems of each student. Information collected from the students are stored in the cumulative file while the students is still in school.
  6. INFORMATION– the information service is designed to provide students with appropriate educational, vocational and personal-social data needed to understand themselves and their environment.
  7. FOLLOW – UP SERVICE – the guidance program is designed to secure basic information that is important for evaluating and planning the many phases of the school program.
  8. HOMEROOM GUIDANCE – An enrichment program of the guidance center which was developed based on students’ needs.  Its objectives are met and facilitated through group dynamics that deal on the different aspects of life where students need to grow more or maybe work on such as self-awareness, feelings and choices, relationships, conflicts and dilemmas, personality constructs, adjustments and career preferences.
  9. SERVICES TO ADMINISTRATORS, FACULTY AND PARENTS – Assistance to administrators in upgrading the school’s educational program through research and evaluation; and provides consultation and services with teachers and parents.